Thursday, 3 May 2012

Model Making

I started building the tunnel structure that will go inside the model.  I made the floor base, and put holes around the perimeter for the hoops to to be held in. I chose a springy wire as the material for the hoops.
I then pulled thin (15 den) lycra tights over the struture. As I could only find skin coloured stretchy mesh I decided to spray it grey.

When sprayed, it lost all shine and transparancy.

In order for the hoops to not collapse under  the fabric and for the fabric to stretch over the wire and take the shape I had to saw each hoop to the fabric.

I found that the grey was too dull and did not demostrate the structure as I would like it to look. I stipped it once again, fixed the wires in the floor to give them more stability. I will spray paint the hoops grey and then cover them with a new mesh that is already grey and shimmery.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


In order to work out the details of the attachments of the fabric at the base of the tunnel and the openings, I carried out some test trials with very thin tights (15 den) stretched over a frame. A whole which can work as an entrance is made very easily by puncturing the fabric and encouraging it to stretch. It can be sprayed lightly with varnish to freeze it in place and stop the whole from enlarging further.

The fabric can be attached to the base by stretching parts of it down and securing.

For model purposes, this can all be sprayed with a grey primer to cover the skin coloured tights.

Ernesto Neto

This webpage shows a lot of examples of where netting is used to create a transparant, 'unreal' feel.  I can take ideas from how these nets are connected to their supporting materials in my tunnel.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Thinking outside the box exhibitions

This particular example is not for furniture exhibitons, but I found it quite inspiring as it is new, and I have not seen anything quite like this out there.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Visit to a Modern Furniture Shop

In order to understand how furniture is displayed in shops and to get the experience of being a customer looking at furniture, I thought it would be useful to actually visit a furniture shop and physically experience what it would feel like. After some research I decided the best shop to visit would be 'The Home Quarter' in Liverpool One.  It sells modern furniture for the modern home.

The displays are arranged in such a way that they can be seen from outside and experiences from inside. The visitor can have contact with the furniture and test it by touching or sitting on it.

False walls are put up to separate the different areas.

In this view I found it interesting that the spaces are divided by a shelf. It still allows light through and a vague view into the next display area.

I found this display interesting as it is raised on a platform. This makes it look more appealing and draws attention to the furniture pieces displayed.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

More Bubble Examples

Another example where bubbles are used to represent change are in the Nissan Car Warehouse in Japan.

'We sought to give the pavilion an ever-changing enchanted atmosphere with its many reflected images and to eliminate the tributary relationship between ground and figure represented here by the open space and spheres respectively.'

Thursday, 29 March 2012